Funeral services are an important part of the healing process for family and friends. Instead of being a time of mourning, funeral services should be a celebration of the deceased’s life. A funeral service is not just about honoring someone who has passed away, but it is also a time to remember all of their accomplishments and their kindness.

Planning a funeral in New York is a truly important and delicate decision. The funeral is the last chance for family, friends, and colleagues to come together to celebrate the deceased. With careful preparation and selection of services, you can create a memorable farewell event that will be treasured by everyone who knew your loved one.

However, it can be quite stressful when you add up all the decisions that need to be made. The cost of a funeral is increasing, plus it is not easy to plan a funeral quickly. It takes time to find a cemetery, someone to officiate the ceremony, and the means to pay for it all. Planning ahead can help cut costs and avoid last-minute stress.

When this process becomes more difficult than it needs to be, it's a great relief to turn to someone experienced in funeral planning. A funeral director is a professional who understands how important the ceremony will be to your family and attendees. They will guide you through the entire process so that your final wishes are respected and your loved ones feel comforted in their time of loss.

A memorable funeral

Talk about how their life was, don't just remember their death. Beyond being a day of mourning, it is important to talk about what they did in life, do not be afraid to tell anecdotes about what it was like — this will make the ceremony feel more intimate.

Make sure the burial is in the place and in the manner chosen by the deceased. This can be in various ways and will also depend on whether the person decided to be cremated or buried, wanted their ashes released in their favorite place, or buried in a special location. If they couldn't say it in life, try to do what you think they would have wanted.

Stream online. Either because of COVID-19 or because some were unable to attend the funeral, you can broadcast the ceremony by video call so that no one misses it.

Create a tribute video. Gather the photos and videos of the most memorable moments of the deceased — you can add music from their favorite artist or a song they liked. This detail will make the ceremony something very special, and it will be something that will move all the attendees. It will also ensure that the memory of that person is always present.

Give a memory. This should be something special, meaning something special to the deceased. It can be from their favorite poem or book, a necklace or bracelet that reflects their essence. Something that people can take away and immediately remind them of that person.

While it is true that there are no set rules on how to plan a funeral, it is important to consult the family of the deceased for their opinions. It is also necessary that the funeral home owner is informed about the preferences and tastes of the deceased person to offer a ceremony worthy of the deceased.

 Planning a funeral is very important to do — it will be an event you will remember forever. It is a time of mourning our loved one, but remember it is also a celebration of their life.

a better funeral is possible. contact us to learn more about our mission and work.

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