Modern Memorial Planning services for families

A friend that helps you navigate through all details of funeral planning, creating the perfect memorial for your loved one..

Did you know that we are unique? Completely and utterly, in so many ways. Our fingerprint, our heartbeat!

No one, in past history or in the future will ever experience your life as you have. How amazing is that?

A memorial or funeral is a service for respecting and remembering the life of the deceased and hopefully inspiring and creating space for those left behind. In order to fully remember a person in death, we believe that parts of their life should be respectfully entwined into their funeral service, a celebrant and memorial planner can help do that.

We will curate a beautiful, personal, unique and meaningful service for you and yours.

Modern Memorial Planning services for families

We are The evanescent best friend you didn’t know you needed

Someone who is there to hold your hand (or the phone/paperwork) the entire way through a memorial service and help you to find your voice in a funeral home so you can truly mark and remember fully the life of your favorite person. A passionate and knowledgeable supporter who helps a family like yours feel accompanied in one of life’s truly harshest moments. A sincere ally who will encourage and gently guide you in a service that will be a tribute to a life lost in a remarkable way that engages all five senses. A patient advocate who will worry with you about all of the details. A steady hand in what can be a most turbulent time of grief.

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Tell their story…

Our services include

  • Funeral Home navigation 

  • Memorial Planning with you and your family and friends

  • Building and maintaining the vision you have for the memorial 

  • Venue selection and visits

  • Storytelling through all 5 senses

  • Family support

  • Personal effects administration

  • Catering creativity and options

  • Transportation oversight 

  • Music and Audio Visual Components

  • Live-streaming seamlessly

  • Print and Design

  • Floral and Decor of chosen spaces

  • ‘Day of’ logistics

  • and so, so much more….

  • Nothing is impossible with us.

What People Are Saying (also see more on our google reviews)

“The work you do is amazing, and you should really be praised for it. I am so happy now - it means more to me than I could ever put into words and will treasure it forever.”

— Testimonial

“I love Jennifer! Her energy and enthusiasm and passion for her work is amazing! She and the funeral director and the editor were a fabulous team. Jennifer became part of our family. She worked on this 24/7 for a month and we had a lot of fun and produced a most fantastic and professional memorial, highly acclaimed by friends and family.”
